Remembering Charles (Chuck) Thurman
July 25, 2022
CHICAGO – BCU is sad to share the news of former Board Chair, Chuck Thurman’s passing on July 10, 2022

“Chuck was passionate about doing what is right for the member and keeping the focus on BCU employees,” said friend, and BCU President and CEO Mike Valentine. “He loved being Chairman and always pushed us to be even better. Chuck knew that the more success the Credit Union had, the more we could help others. I am very grateful for his leadership, guidance, kindness and friendship.”
Thurman held many different roles since joining the Board in 1991, including Chairman from 1993-2004. During his tenure, the Credit Union grew from $200 million to $3 billion. Even after retiring in 2018, he stayed in close touch, stopping by the Credit Union whenever he was in town. Sometimes just to say hello and have lunch - always proudly sporting BCU swag - from Atlanta to Chicago.
In 2021, BCU introduced the Charles Thurman Leader of Tomorrow academic scholarship - awarding a hard-working, humble, very deserving student with the opportunity to reach their financial goals. “This award signified - and does so now more than ever - the impression Chuck left on this organization,” said Valentine. Thurman was instrumental in driving the success BCU enjoys today, and he left his stamp on the Credit Union’s vision for tomorrow. His legacy of extraordinary service to employees, members and their families will live on at BCU forever.
About BCU: BCU is a purpose-driven organization that empowers people to discover financial freedom. With $5B in assets, while being both not-for-profit and member-owned, the Credit Union is driven by the commitment to provide extraordinary service. BCU members enjoy access to financial services and well-being programming that inspire confidence through the brand promise “Here Today For Your Tomorrow.” BCU is the financial well-being benefit partner for some of America's best companies, currently serving Fortune 100 workplaces throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Lifetime membership is offered to employees and families of their company partners, and those living or working in Chicago-area communities. To learn more about BCU, visit